Who We Are…
Let’s Grow… Together.

Bristle Research and Consultancy Services Ltd is a research, consultancy and training outfit that is registered, accredited and regulated by the National Industrial Training Authority (NITA).
Bristle Research and Consultancy Services Ltd formerly Bristle Research and Consultancy Services (Business Names Act) is incorporated under The Companies Act 2015 and operates as a Private Limited Company based in Nairobi, Kenya. By virtue of being a former employee and a student of University of Nairobi for over 15 years, both Mr. Stephen Otieno Ogutu; the founder and the Director and, Bristle Research and Consultancy Services Ltd have unlimited access to University of Nairobi academic staff with diverse professions and skills. In addition, the company has collaborated with professionals in both public and private sectors, which offer their expertise whenever there is need.
Bristle Research and Consultancy Services Ltd is structured to be both flexible and to take advantage of special opportunities and resources within Kenya, East African and globally. Our firm boasts of great diversity of competence that is manifested through the unique research, consultancy and training assignment undertaken by the firm’s diverse professionals.
We provide consultancy services in areas such as Actuarial consultancies, Conflict Resolution, Peace and Security, Infrastructure and Energy, Agricultural development, Trade and Industrial development, Democracy, Law and Human Rights, promote Health and Nutrition, Migration, Labour and Employment.
Besides, we offer Consultancies that promote Sports and Culture, Education, Science and Technology, Youth Development, Economic integration and Private Sector Development, Diaspora and Civil Society Engagement, Gender Equality and Development, promotion of disability rights, Cyber Security, Blockchain Consultancy, and promotion of environmental conservation (climate preservation) efforts.
In addition, we provide consultancy services in human resource management (HRM), and business writing consultancies, communications consultancy (public relations (PR), sharia consultancy, and interpretations & translations consultancy),tax consultancy and trainings, governance consultancy, interfaith relations consultancy, development of strategic plans, project management, financial and management accounting consultancies, procurement and supply chain, editorial consultancies.
Similarly, we provide research and training of courses in the aforementioned areas of consultancies.
While we draw the majority of our professionals from active service and students who are pursuing their advanced degrees; Masters and PhDs in various fields. We also engage retired but energetic professionals drawn from different sectors. This gives an opportunity for the young professionals to acquire some skills from the retirees whose skills and experiences are hands on and of high value. Through this, our firm bridges the gap for skills between young professionals and the skilled and experienced resource person depending on their areas of expertise.
Our experts have served in various national and international capacities such as the Committee for the Implementation for the Constitution of Kenya 2010 (CIC); where one of our professionals headed the Devolution Thematic Area and handled all issues relating to the implementation of the system of devolution. In addition to the above, the expert has again served as an advisor to political parties and International organizations on matters of governance including Vision 2030 Board, and the African Council for Communication Education (ACCE) and, has successfully undertaken numerous Consultancies for different organizations both locally and internationally for instance DFID,UN, UNDP and the GoK.
Some of our experts have worked for State corporations, and government agencies like Ministry of the then Local Government currently County Government, Muhoroni Sugar Company, and National Cereals and Produce Board (NCPD). Our firm is endowed with professionals from various fields with vast experience and skills.
Notably, majority of our professionals have been instrumental in areas of governance constitutional politics, and issues of devolution, conducting both supervision of research at undergraduate, Masters, and PhD levels at universities, demography, statistics, environmental studies, legislative issues, law, conflict management and conflict resolutions, policy research and implementation assistance, strategic planning and development, training, research and capacity development programs and, have successfully undertaken assignments both locally and internationally from private and public sectors.
The firm has both full time and part time staff with a network of multi-disciplinary professionals with backgrounds and extensive experience in social research, marketing research, statistics and operations research, survey research, and data analysis using various statistical software.
Our professionals are widely experienced in research services such as, demography, investments and portfolio analysis, actuarial valuations, population research, legal research and consultancies, public opinion polls and environmental impact assessment studies, conflict resolution, peace and security, energy, economics, democracy law and human rights, agriculture, health, migration, labour and employment education, science and technology, youth welfare and development, gender and equality, disability rights among others.
Our professionals have participated and conducted in trainings in various public and private institutions like University of Nairobi Enterprise Services (UNES), County Assembly Members (legislative practice and procedures, governance etc.) Kenya Institute of Management (KIM), and academic research in statistics, actuarial science, social sciences and humanities especially in linguistics, language and communication, procurement and supply chain, accounting, auditing, financial communication, human resource, governance, economics and managerial issues, and project management, career guidance and counselling for those who intend to further their studies. moreover, we provide trainings services in areas such as capacity building, individual persons, training of trainers, training needs analysis, training on the use of statistical software for data analysis (SPSS, R-Project, Python, Stata, E-Views, Mat Lab, Advanced Excel, N-Vivo among others..
Our Skills

Bristle Research and Consultancy Services Ltd is a research, consultancy and training outfit that is registered, accredited and regulated by the National Industrial Training Authority (NITA).
To be a global provider of research, consultancy and training services to clients for development and be a one-point Centre for all research needs.
We are fully committed to timely and quality research, consultancy and training services beyond customer expectations with the aim of helping clients make the right decisions.
- Integrity
- Excellence, Professionalism and Transparency
- Team Spirit and Teamwork
- Global thinking
- Innovativeness and Creativity
- Quality and Timely Customer service